
Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool Kit

Original price was: $776.99.Current price is: $100.00.

SKU: C1163477725 Category:


The Wrth Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool Kit features advanced sound detection technology that allows it to convert and amplify inaudible ultrasonic sounds into audible natural sounds.
Gives every technician the ability to quickly and effectively diagnose leaks and defects before they become a major issue!

Kit Includes:
Ultrasonic Receiver
Ultrasonic Emitter
Hollow Air Probe
Contact Probe
Instruction Manual
2 x D Batteries for Receiver
1 x 9V Battery for Emitter
Heavy-Duty Storage Case

Convenient & easy-to-use receiver control pad
5-LED signal-intensity indicator and audible alarm to pinpoint the exact problem source
An internal noise controller helps to ensure the tool is unaffected by ambient noise,
making the tool ideal for use in extremely noisy environments.
Self-adjusting internal circuitry helps to enhance sensitivity and simplifies operation
Precision-engineered rubber hollow air probe helps isolate leak sources in tight areas
Solid contact probe quickly pinpoints wear or damage to internal components,
without disassembly!
Unique ultrasonic emitter helps locate faulty seals, gaskets and weather-stripping in
passenger cabs, trailers and other non-pressurized enclosures

Air brake leaks
Compressed air leaks
Vacuum leaks
Tire leaks
EVAP system leaks
Exhaust leaks
Gear and bearing wear
Electrical discharge
Refrigerant leaks
Cabin seal and gasket integrity


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