One of our best-selling units, this toilet is rated for use by six adults (or a family of up to eight -including adults and small children). Classified as the “high capacity electric unit”, this Excel makes use of electricity in two ways to facilitate the composting process. A 110V fan moves air through the unit while a 110V heating element kicks in when the temperature falls below optimal levels.
Long considered the standard in composting toilet performance, the Excel is the preferred self-contained electric model for heavy or residential use. Composting speed and capacity on this model is outstanding! The large Bio-Drum designed into the Excel gives it twice the capacity of the Compact.
The Excel family was re-engineered in 1998 to provide it with a smooth round contemporary look. At the same time the drum handle has been recessed, a new removable evaporating tray fits below the screen, and all electrical components have been repeatedly upgraded to ensure a longer service life.
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