
Building Codes Illustrated

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

SKU: WNDJ82817168454 Category:



Uniquely marrying the graphic skills of bestselling author Francis D.K Ching with the code expertise of Steven Winkel, FAIA, the new sixth edition ofBuilding Codes Illustratedis a clear, concise, and easy-to-use visual guide to the International Building Code (IBC) for 2018. Fully updated throughout, it highlights all of the changes to the code for quick reference and easy navigation. It pulls out the portions of the building code that are most relevant for the architect and provides an easy-to-understand interpretation in both words and illustrations.

The first two chapters ofBuilding Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2018 International Building Code, Sixth Editiongive background and context regarding the development, organization, and use of the IBC. The following sections cover such information as: use and occupancy; building heights and areas; types of construction; fire-resistive construction; interior finishes; means of egress; accessibility; energy efficiency; roof assemblies; structural provisions; special inspections and tests; soils and foundations; building materials and systems; and more.

  • A complete, user-friendly guide to code-compliant projects
  • Highlights all the significant changes in the 2018 IBC
  • Uses clearlanguage andFrank Ching’s distinctive illustrationsto demystifythe 2018 International Build Code (IBC) text
  • Provides students and professionals with a fundamental understanding of IBC development, interpretation, and application

Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2018 International Building Codegives students and professionals in architecture, interior design, construction, and engineering a user-friendly, easy-to-use guide to the fundamentals of the 2018 IBC.


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