Few things do more to set a homes character than its scale. And in the cottage, people have for hundreds of years found a home that is inviting, without being ostentatious, modest without a feeling of confinement. Doug Keisters photography brings to life500 Cottages, organized by style, including English, storybook, bungalettes, Victorian, and Spanish-influenced casitas.
About the Author:
Chico, California-based photographer Douglas Keister has
Chico, California-based photographer Douglas Keister has photographed twenty-two award-winning, critically acclaimed photographed twenty-two award-winning, critically acclaimed books. His seventeen books on architecture include four bookbooks. His seventeen books on architecture include four books on Victorian homes (Daughter’s of Painted Ladies, Painted s on Victorian homes (Daughter’s of Painted Ladies, Painted Ladies Revisited, America’s Painted Ladies and Victorian GloLadies Revisited, America’s Painted Ladies and Victorian Glory); three books on bungalow homes (The Bungalow, Inside thery); three books on bungalow homes (The Bungalow, Inside the Bungalow and Outside the Bungalow), a book on 1920s whimsic Bungalow and Outside the Bungalow), a book on 1920s whimsical homes (Storybook Style) a book about cemetery art and arcal homes (Storybook Style) a book about cemetery art and architecture (Going Out in Style), a book on Spanish architectuhitecture (Going Out in Style), a book on Spanish architecture, (Red Tile Style), six books on bungalow details and Clasre, (Red Tile Style), six books on bungalow details and Classic Cottages, that will be published by Gibbs Smith Publishesic Cottages, that will be published by Gibbs Smith Publisher in the Spring of 2004. Keister photographed and wrote an ar in the Spring of 2004. Keister photographed and wrote an award winning children’s book (Fernando’s Gift), has two monoward winning children’s book (Fernando’s Gift), has two monographs of his personal work (Black Rock and Driftwood Whimsygraphs of his personal work (Black Rock and Driftwood Whimsy), a book on classic travel trailers, (Ready to Roll) and a ), a book on classic travel trailers, (Ready to Roll) and a book on cemetery symbolism, Stories in Stone: The Complete Ibook on cemetery symbolism, Stories in Stone: The Complete Illustrated Guide to Cemetery Symbolism, that will be publishllustrated Guide to Cemetery Symbolism, that will be published by Gibbs Smith Publisher in the Spring of 2004. His wealted by Gibbs Smith Publisher in the Spring of 2004. His wealth of books on architecture has earned him the title, “Americh of books on architecture has earned him the title, “America’s most noted photographer of historic architecture.” a’s most noted photographer of historic architecture.”
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