– Designed for Accurate Precise Woodburning; Achieve better Contrast, Definition and Fine Detail
– A UL approved Woodburning Tool that heats to 750-degrees F with an integrated On-Off switch
– This Pyrography Tool is supplied with the Mini Flow Point (tip), a Tool Stand and Simple Instructions
– Works with any Walnut Hollow Points (tips) or Hot Stamps
– Use with the 41049 Temperature Regulator for a Precise, Constant Operating Temperature
Value Tool:
- The ideal woodburning pen for beginners, intermediate and advanced users as a first tool or a backup spare
- Supplied with a tool stand and four different points (tips) – Cone, Shading, Universal and Flow
- UL approved for the U.S.A. and Canada and includes a long cord with an on/off switch
- At 950 degrees F this pen works on most types of wood and maintains a constant temperature very well
- Includes easy to follow instructions on how and why to use each of the four points (tips)
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